Leg Day 1

Click on any of the exercises below to view a video or explanation.


Always start leg day with five minutes of myofascial release/self massage for whatever areas in your lower body are chronically too tight or any muscles that are currently stiff because of prior workouts. This preserves your joints from imbalanced pulling during your workout.

Hips and Glutes

Do these exercises frequently, not just on leg day, so that your body is familiar with how to incorporate the powerful muscles of glutes and hips. If you leave them out, your body is likely to overuse the quadriceps and not wake up the glutes in time to participate.

Reps Per Set: 10
Qty of Sets: 2-3
Rest Between Sets: Just switch to other side
Difficulty: medium
Reps Per Set: 10
Qty of Sets: 2-3
Rest Between Sets: Just switch legs
Difficulty: medium


Power exercises are completed in short bursts of absolute maximum intensity and speed and should have at least 45 seconds low intensity recovery between sets. The point is to increase maximal output at an intense point. Resistance should be no more than 40% of weight used in a corresponding strength activity.

These two power exercises make an excellent superset. In other words, complete the reps of one and immediately go into the reps of the other with no rest. Rest after completing the second exercise.

Reps Per Set: 6
Qty of Sets: 4
Rest Between Sets: superset with burpees
Difficulty: 40% of deadlift weight. Start with 25-35 lbs while learning.
Reps Per Set: 5-6
Qty of Sets: 4
Rest Between Sets: 45 seconds
Difficulty: fast


I have included here a sampling of a few leg exercises. The primary concept here is balance. Ensure that quadriceps and hamstrings receive equal attention. Also, incorporate instability where safe and appropriate so that you strengthen all the small stabilizers around the joints as well.

Reps Per Set: 10
Qty of Sets: 3
Rest Between Sets: 1 min
Difficulty: hard
Reps Per Set: 6-10
Qty of Sets: 4
Rest Between Sets: 30 seconds after 2nd leg before returning to 1st leg
Difficulty: hard
Reps Per Set: 6-10
Qty of Sets: 4
Rest Between Sets: 1 min
Difficulty: hard